Isabel Sydow

Illustrator, Outsider Artist,

Bitcoiner Maximalist.

I'm a self-taught artist who loves working with very diverse media, currently focused on illustration.

I create very colorful & lively images, & very meditative intricate patterns on those where I use minimal color.

Edo Moon

Orange Pilled

Greeting Cards

Orange Pilled

Greeting Cards

Orange Illustration
Pill tablet

Satoshi Fish

This page,

work in progress.

This page,

work in progress.

Going down the Rabbit Hole

Art School was a luxury I couldn't afford having grown up in an economy where our currency had been debased multiple times by the time I hit adolescence. However, there was one thing making me believe life could be better; Museums.

Art saved & continues to save my life in more ways than one. I learned to see it as the true tele-transporter, & as the record of account for that which needs to transcend. I've chosen to illustrate the messages of humanity's capacity to thrive, which today can only come from Bitcoin.

I am able to understand the mathematical, economical, sociological, & even philosophical ramifications of it's presence in the world. My duty now is to channel those as best I can in as many illustrations I make. Let me take you down the endless & magical rabbit hole that Bitcoin is.

Current Bitcoin-Centric Projects

Each illustration is made for it to have complete meaning on its own, but to also work along the other pieces in order to complete the strip.

Each piece has its own story, but to HODL with diamond hands during Bitcoin’s volatility, you have to zoom out, and zooming out is what’s achieved when the full series is on display.

To achieve the Orange Pill Effect, one graduates from blue pill addict, to the red pill rehab, then to the relentless optimism of the Orange Pill.

The candles on the chart are affected by the color of the pills, or are the pills affected by the candles on the chart?

Orange Pill Effect Series

This series consist of 7 illustrations.

The series started in May of 2021.

There's 4 completed illustrations & I'm currently working on the 5th installment.

Materials: Acid free heavy cardstock paper, gel, metallic and glitter ink, Prismacolor pencils, and markers.

Dimensions: Illustration size is 11” x 8.5”, Frame size is 16” x 13” x 1.25”

Current Bitcoin-Centric Projects

Orange Pill Effect Series

My job is to truthfully capture moments, not stage them.

Current Bitcoin-Centric Projects

Orange Pill Effect Series

5th installment

coming soon!

Installment # 1

Death by FIAT

This piece was inspired by something I told @Chiefmonkey on the Scarce.City Banter Telegram Group a little while back… that I feel like a giant oppressive beast is sitting on my chest, not letting me breathe...

It also is a criticism on this summer’s ESG FUD.

The Fiat lords pretend to care about Mother Nature while enslaving her, violating her and destroying her.

Bitcoin Fixes this!

Square Frame Illustration

Death by Fiat 2021

Installment # 2

Mauled by Wall Street

This piece is inspired by the now perverted memory of my arrival in New York City for the first time.

I remember 2 young girls, exhausted with no sleep, no food, no shower & all alone coming into Port Authority after a 62 hour long Greyhound bus ride from my home country of Mexico. I’ll never forget seeing my little sister’s face light up when pointing out the window, the twin towers & the Statue of Liberty.

The symbol Lady Liberty represented for her has been since tainted big time. The values she upheld are consistently ignored, disposed of, & simply reversed by the hand of the current dysfunctional financial system. From being the Mother of all Exiles, to Kamala’s nonsensical speech during her absolutely failed attempt at “diplomacy” while in Guatemala.

Bitcoin Fixes this! The Bitcoin Citadel is worldwide & its citizens are Bitcoiners.

Bitcoin is borderless, permissionless, & in many ways limitless!

Square Frame Illustration

Mauled by Wall Street 2021

Installment # 3

Fed by the FED

I started working on this piece thinking about the multitude of evils the FED feeds. Sending our babies to war, Big AG, Big Pharma, the "Medical" Industrial Complex, Indebted servitude, Consumerism, Violence, Diseases, etc...

It evolved into picturing the oppressive state in which many of us are kept as we're fed and fattened like beasts for the slaughterhouse.

What better way to keep us down & obedient, than by keeping us sick, weak, & vulnerable?

The FED feeds us to keep us physically, mentally & spiritually malnourished enough to prevent us from developing the capacity to stop the feed itself!

Many of us are trapped in the fatten & weaken bodies the violence of Interest Rate Apartheid builds.

Bitcoin Fixes this!

Change happens when the pain of staying the same is greater than the fear of change itself, & our true selves emerge. The true versions of ourselves, empowered by Bitcoin and its community, can take down giants. Including our old FIAT selves.

Square Frame Illustration

fed by the FED 2022

Installment # 4

Locked Down by Clown World

I can, almost literally, say that there are many forces in life that have driven me to a semi-state of insanity.

The insane asylum escapee represents Humanity bound in a straight jacket made out of Fiat bills.

Clown + World are the "orderlies" whose uniforms are also made out of Fiat.

A rift is created in the hopelessness of all the blue pills, the moment when, even at a distance, we realize Bitcoin IS the escape hatch away from this maddening system we know as Clown World.

When we feel Fiat's bindings loosening up, we run towards the Orange Pills of clarity & hope.

I wanted to illustrate the almost-quiet sadness one feels when realizing everything's futile, we're in a losing battle, about to be trapped & locked down at the mercy of the clowns...

Bitcoin Fixes This!

Even in a bear market, our bodies know exactly what to do. Our adrenaline kick starts our survival instincts, & we dart away from Clown World headed towards the glow of the Orange Pills on our way to stacking!

Square Frame Illustration

Locked Down by

Clown World 2022

I live with the life-long chronic adverse effects of medical procedures gone horribly wrong. To this day, my body can't make heads or tails of the radiation poisoning. The Medical Industrial Complex wanted to make a life-long dependent out of a healthy & vibrant young woman & their mission was painfully accomplished.

If you think I've gone mad with "lunacy" because I think Bitcoin fixes even this, then you don't know Bitcoin!

The ability to care for one self to achieve optimum health & equilibrium are principles of freedom with which Bitcoin enables us as we HODL it with diamond hands.

The Voyages through Bitcoin Inner-space series makes commentary on how we feel physically, mentally, spiritually & spatially about Bitcoin, its community & its effect on our realities. Each illustration is made for it to have complete meaning on its own, but to also go along the other pieces in order to have a complete collection.

It's said of beauty to be in the eye of the beholder, but validity is in the verifiable proof of work.

- Isabel

Bitcoin-Inspired Illustrations

Voyages through Bitcoin Inner-space Series

This piece is inspired by the fact that we're here, but we're not of this world. Bitcoin Maximalists are a rare species. We're a breed born out of that encounter: when Rarity met Scarcity.

To the mainstream, we don't belong. We're out of place. We must be judged, observed, surveilled, prodded, controlled, experimented on, neglected, feared & contained.

But we daydream the reality of Bitcoin Inner-space; where we travel adventures in the orange sky, inside & outside our bodies, our minds, our knowledge base, & our imaginations. Not trusting. Questioning everything & ALWAYS ABLE TO VERIFY.

I started work on this piece in 2013 when my eyes were literally gonna pop out of their sockets.

Some things just take me that long.

Installment # 1

The Eye on the Peacock

Materials: Acid free heavy cardstock paper, gel, metallic and glitter ink, Prismacolor pencils, and markers.

Dimensions: Illustration size is 11” x 8.5”, Frame size is 16” x 13” x 1.25”

Square Frame Illustration

The Eye on the Peacock 2016

I started drawing the Sleepless Brain series immediately after completing my most recent installment of my Orange Pill Effect series.

Sometimes I feel the need to make an illustration where I'm simply drawing without thinking at all, where I'm not the one in charge.

Every time I do that, the result always astounds me. I'm always shocked of their departure from where I start because I simply never know where it's going, let alone know how it will end.

The Sleepless Brain Series is a colorful & psychedelic group of illustrations started near the time I was diagnosed with a traumatic brain injury which damaged my amygdala. Working with repetitive & some fractal patterns helps me relax & lose myself while creating. It's goal is to achieve a semi-hypnotic state by the viewer, in order to whisk them away as well into a colorful trance.

Hypnotic Psychedelia for Bitcoin

Sleepless Brain


installment #1

Sleepless Brain #1

A few days after I started illustrating Sleepless Brain #1, I received my most recent diagnosis. One more to pile onto my stack. One that explains a lot, for which they offer no cure, & expected me to manage it by turning myself into a vegetable. I cried, & I'm still reeling from it. I chose not to turn into a vegetable. Instead I chose to finish my piece, to keep trying making more, & share what I see in them with you.

In this illustration I see a confused & amorphous brain. It makes me feel as if I could touch its ridges, feel its ribbed texture, & as if I could pluck those little leaves & flower from it. It floats above the multi-layered colorful background. I feel as if I could peel-off this Sleepless Brain & I'd see more of the ever moving layered background. Some of the colors in this piece are literally bright enough to appear as if they were a light source. It tricks me enough into thinking I could dip my finger in some of the spots of its multi-dimensional space.


Square Frame Illustration

Sleepless Brain #1



If you're here, you know what to do! (↑↑↑)

I've got too many no-coiners in my fam, so I still use Twitter.

I get the privilege to enjoy myself over at Max & Stacy's living room on a regular basis.

I visit the banter & the group over at Telegram.

I get help from plebs (when my brain works) to figure out issues with my node over at the plebnet group.

Feeling tipsy? ⚡

I'm learning animation, so I've joined both counterparty & freewallet groups.

I have a small YouTube channel. I only post when an illustration has been completed & I was able to film while making it.

Whether is on NOSTR, Twitter, Telegram, or YouTube, you can reach out to me and say a quick hello.

-Isabel Sydow aka GaboyChabela.

I'm building!

Please come back to visit me.

I am adding illustrations & their

descriptions often.

Coming Soon: More illustrations,

drop announcements, & limited edition gifts!

I'm building!

Please come back to visit me.

I am adding illustrations & their

descriptions often.

Coming Soon: More illustrations,

drop announcements, & limited edition gifts!
